a brand
Energy surrounds us. Enlighten, open paths. Since 1922, YPF has evolved into a more agile and innovative company. Because in addition to continuing to be the largest company in the country, it aims to be relevant to each of the Argentina people.
For more than a decade, we have collaborated as external partners in branding, helping define the visual language aligned to their evolving business strategy. Through branding projects, brand narrative and generation of digital products, we transmit the values of its process of transformation, expansion and social and environmental sensitivity.
YPF works throughout Argentina generating efficient and reliable energy. In addition to oil and gas, it invest on renewable sources such as wind, sun, earth and water. It is synonymous with variety in energy production. A company with this diversity of content needs strong and consistent communication. We seek to unite the parts, add value and generate impact on people.
Tholön + YPF
YPF, the largest energy company in the country, is driven by the desire to change the lives of Argentines with superior experiences, products and services. This challenge serves as a guide and inspiration for each of the projects that we launch from Tholön.
We believe in teamwork as the basis for building efficient identity systems. We generate a permanent round trip. We share processes, exchange ideas and devise strategies. Everything is the result of a joint task. From the union of forces and talents. This joint work process proves to be effective and successful.
a brand
Energy surrounds us. Enlighten, open paths. Since 1922, YPF has evolved into a more agile and innovative company. Because in addition to continuing to be the largest company in the country, it aims to be relevant to each of the Argentina people.
For more than a decade, we have collaborated as external partners in branding, helping define the visual language aligned to their evolving business strategy. Through branding projects, brand narrative and generation of digital products, we transmit the values of its process of transformation, expansion and social and environmental sensitivity.
YPF works throughout Argentina generating efficient and reliable energy. In addition to oil and gas, it invest on renewable sources such as wind, sun, earth and water. It is synonymous with variety in energy production. A company with this diversity of content needs strong and consistent communication. We seek to unite the parts, add value and generate impact on people.
Tholön + YPF
Brand Governance
Sistema de Identidad
Publicaciones Institucionales
A YPF, la mayor compañía energética del país, la mueve el deseo de cambiar la vida de los argentinos con experiencias, productos y servicios superadores. Este desafío nos sirve como guía e inspiración para cada uno de los proyectos que ponemos en marcha desde Tholön.
Creemos en el trabajo en equipo como base para la construcción de sistemas eficientes de identidad. Generamos un ida y vuelta permanente. Compartimos procesos, intercambiamos ideas y trazamos estrategias. Todo es resultado de una tarea conjunta. De la unión de fuerzas y talentos. Este proceso conjunto de trabajo demuestra ser eficaz y obtener buenos resultados.
Let's talk!
© Tholon Graphic Design Consultants 2025
Let's talk!
© Tholön Brand Consultants 2025